What All Do You Do?

Awesome Honey is Our Business

And Brother, let me tell you, business is good!  We most certainly take pride in the care provide our bees and that carries through to the delicious honey they provide.  We are dead serious about the quality of the honey we provide.  The color and taste varies a bit from season to season but our honeys are all very light in amber color with a mild flavor and very pleasant sweetness.  For those with a discerning honey palette, our honeys consistently have a very light floral undertone.  Get as fancy as you want in describing it - the stuff is 100% goodness mixed in with another 100% awesomeness.  Math was never my strong suit but cranking out awesome honey always will be. 

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

Walt Disney

Presentations - Speaking Engagements

Without a doubt, if I can't be in the field working with the bees, the next best place to be is anywhere that I can speak about bees.  I am an advocate for bee health and finding a balance between the needs of America's beekeepers and farmers.

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Honey Bee and Swarm Removal

A natural tendency for a healthy colony may be to swarm.  Unfortunately, sometimes these well-intentioned groups of honey bees end up on porches, mail boxes, cars, or houses.  If you live in an area around Galena, Il, we would be glad to safely relocate swarms or colonies that pose a nuisance.

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Special Offerings

Holiday gift boxes, limited runs of specialty flavors, and custom orders are some of the things we do to keep the creative juices flowing.  Click the link below to see what we have going on in the Bee Genius Laboratory.

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